Johnny's updates
Monday, November 28, 2005
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Johnny's watercolors for sale
In case you didn't find them, they can be accesssed at
All sales go to help pay off Johnny's vet bills. Thanks!
Johnny's update
Well, more bad news. Johnny appeared to be fine for a while, but the protozoa must not have all been killed off. He's ataxic once again. I left a message for the vet today; hopefully they'll get back to me tomorrow and I can get him back on Marquis.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Today's update
Johnny is doing wonderful. He has completely recovered and his demenor is even back to normal. He is back to his loving self---he stayed by my mare's side when she was colicing this past Sunday and Monday (she went in to the vet and was treated and released Tuesday). Both horses are now doing well and are happy to be home!
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Today's update

Johnny is looking excellent. Nothing new to report!
My father is going to send me some software so that I can get the watercolor paintings listed online. I'm going to try to sell some watercolor paintings so that I can pay off Johnny's hospitalization bills, which ran into the thousands (ick).
Thanks for all your support!
Friday, November 04, 2005
Today's update
Johnny looks wonderful today. Yesterday during our walk he insisted that we go next door to visit my 80+-year-old neighbor, who often has a bag of carrots for him. He knows to go right up to her side door and nudge the door handle. She didn't have a treat for him this time, so he got bored and started to chew his lead rope, but he was a good boy and stood while we talked.
Johnny's movements seem to be getting a lot more fluid. His appetite is up and his feet are staying cool. Good signs!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Today's update
Johnny is home and is doing great. He isn't showing any signs of laminitus, he isn't on any medications apart from the Marquis (no anti-inflammatories), and he is ony showing the most mild of signs of any ataxia (and they're so subtle that they are probably only visable to me, who has lounged him thousands of times and knows exactly how he moves. He's just not quite as fluid).
He is in a better mood, although he's still a little crabby because he's not being ridden, which he really needs to stay in a good mood. But he's running and bucking in the pasture and is happy to be home and see everyone. He's king of the herd, so all his buddies missed him. And are following him everywhere and keeping a close eye on him.
Outlook is very hopeful at this point!