Today's update
Johnny is on day 13 of his Navigator paste. We had to take him off it for 3 days as he developed acute laminitus; nonetheless he is back on it and his progression is steady. He is starting to get annoyed about having to take the oral medication every day, but he remains loyal to me.
He stayed home this last time he had laminitus; the vets thought that I could manage it as well as they could, so he went on banamine, stod in the snow and in 4" of wood shavings, has SMB II's on his hind legs, and was taken off the drug. I am happy to say that upon calling IDEXX, which manufactors the oral medication, they were very helpful, respectful, and knowledgeable. They offered free veterinary consultation in reference with the drug and the vet even called me back a week later to check on his progress.
The ataxia is still apparent, but his appetite is good, his body temperature is constant, and a few days ago he was running around his paddock bucking. He is lonely without the other horses, but is beginning to get used to it. He will be happy when he can return to his herd.