Snow day!
Today is our late winter snowstorm. Several inches. This is Flirt today in the snow; she's doing well and hasn't had a colic since her episode a couple of months ago. We're prepairing for our move to Ohio at the end of the month.
Johnny's medication finally came in on Friday and I went to pick it up, but only 2 tubes came rather than 8. I was about to start him back on the Marquis on Friday but when I went out to give it to him he had a fever and was very sore on his ataxic leg. His heart rate and respiration were also up, and he seemed in immense pain and didn't even care to pay attention to me. I gave him some banamine and called out the vet, who did blood work on him.
He went on antibiotics and likely was harboring some sort of bacterial infection. I do not know what; perhaps some form of cellulitus, which he's had before. His temperature was down to normal within 24 hours and although his leg had doubled in size, this morning his leg was back to normal. He still is limping just a little bit, but appears much better. Hoping to start the Marquis soon.