Flirt's update

Flirt came home yesterday. She seems to be doing alright, although she got a fever and is now on antibiotics. The vet thinks that because she had am impacation for so long, her gut actually leaked and caused some toxcity. This could have occured from the impaction lasting too long in one spot, or if she had swallowed a rock, or from the scar tissue from her previous surgery, or from a tumor. So I put her on soaked complete feed ONLY and I'll watch to see what happens. If she colics again it is very likely that she has some scarring from the scar tissue that is causing her to colic, she has a rock stuck in there, or she has a tumor. In any of those cases surgery would be the only option, and I don't know that she would make it through surgery like she was able to 4 years ago. She's now almost 23 years old, and has had a pretty stressful life until I bought her (even afterwards, because of the colic surgery and all her recent colics). So this is her last chance, and if she colics again she'll be put to peace at home, where she's most comfortable.
Johnny continues to improve. That Marquis is working a lot faster this time, and hopefully he'll make it through his EPM relatively alright.
The picture is a picture of Flirt and I the day after one of her colic boughts. She actually went back in to the vet the following day for colic, so she was probably still colicing.
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